I have not blogged for uhh, a few weeks and while I was reading Lissy's blog a while ago, I suddenly remembered my own online diary. (aww, poor tsokolatengtunaw. I am forgetting about you LOL)
So, my life right now is being occupied by school and FACEBOOK. Haha. My planner is getting full of to do lists that I am not doing lol. Anyways, I'm just gonna enumerate the higlights of my life these past few weeks haha.
1. Nina's HABERDAY celebration (im still waiting for Ter's photos)
I missed this girl and last July 11, she celebrated her 18th birthday at their house. Food, video presentations and lots of boooze. Haha. Just drank one bottle of beer (eck.) then left. haha. The feeling's really great when i'm with my high school friends. I can be crazy because i know, they are crazier than me. Love you M&M.
For the first time, I have been active in my org, Psyche. Yehey and amazingly, even though it's my first year to be active, im a project head already! Cool yoh. Thanks to Meg LOL. So this has been occupying some time in my life because Psych Week is coming up. Good luck to us.
3. HANNA's 18th
We had a cruise around Manila Bay and there was supposed to be a sunset but unfortunately, the clouds are blocking the way.. aww. Anyhoo, it was nice seeing the girls with their white dresses and the guys in black polos. Too bad I have to leave early. Photos are in my multiply.
4. GK1MB
Last week, I was really getting stressed with organizing the GK1MB event for Youth for Christ. What gave me more stress was the part where Biboy got sick. Haha. But everything turned out well. It was a success, i did not expect that a lot of people will come. It's overwhelming. I just hope that GK will continue to be a major part of YFC.
Their will be no unbeaten team this season. So Ateneo's loss to UP = UNACCEPTABLE. Kidding! haha. I'm no sore loser Atenean that will get mad at UP. Haha. I just want to congratulate UP for winning yesterday by 10 points(:0) and Blue Eagles, you disappointed me! LOL. It was a very frustrating game. Good thing the DLSU-AdU game was exciting. Haha. Oh well. Btw, ADMU became one of the trending topics and twitter yesterday and mhen, I was laughing at some people's tweet. HAHA. So bottom line, the undefeated was beaten by the unwinnable haha. (http://www.gmanews.tv/story/168301/UAAP-shocker-UP-gives-mighty-Ateneo-the-blues)
To all my friends who texted me yesterday: HINDI PA FINALS. ;)
Schoolworks galore & readings overload. That is what my life in school is all about. I don't have any problems with my subjects except for SA. Sir, i respect you and all but I can't really understand half of what you are saying. Our class is 7:30 in the morning, could you make it more lively? HAHA. Oh well, goodluck on my orals on Wednesday. =/
Countdown: 12 days.
I still can't believe it that Kuya TJ will be getting married next week. Time moves too fast, I can't seem to catch up with it. Yes, I am excited but I am more of sad. It's not that I don't like him getting married or I don't like Ate Harlene but I am not a big fan of change. Haha! So we had the final fitting of our gowns last Friday and now, all i need to do is maintain my weight.
Wait for my longer and more detailed blog about this next week after the wedding ;)
I met my kids last Saturday and boy, they are so active. LOL. Well, this is really a big challenge for me because my kids are not really that smart. They can't read well. One kid I have scored only 1 point on his DOLCH chorva test(?). It's out of 200 words, i think? hehe. I better do something for them to learn how to read well. Goodluck.
I think most of my time is wasted on this. The games in Facebook are really addicting and tempting. =/ I have no self control so I really need to do something about my facebook addiction LOL.
I forgot about this. LOL. So my stalking skills are getting better. LOL. There's still no improvement. So near yet so far pa rin ang drama ko and I think I want it to stay that way.. or not? Haha. I learned a lot of things about him these past few weeks because we have more connections that I thought we have. One of my closest friends know him. Uhh. I still have 3 years to know him WAHAHAHAHA.
So i think that's it. My next blog will probably be about the wedding. Weeeee :)
** I just realized this while changing the colors of the highlight's topics. May meaning yun RED. haha.
Red=blood=dumudugo na utak ko sa school works. haha. & MADUGO YUNG LABAN NG ADMU-UP.
Red=LOVE=Kuya's wedding
Red=EVIL(diba red and black yung parang evil colors haha)=Temptation
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
UAAP fever ;)

So, I was half watching the UAAP opening ceremonies and I suddenly missed the old players I used to love in UAAP.

I can't find some pictures of the other players that I miss. LOL.
So above are just SOME of the many players that I miss seeing. So obviously, I miss seeing those players from UAAP Season '65. Enrico Villanueva, Doug Kramer and of course, GEC CHIA :) So most of the players that I will mention are from Ateneo. HAHA. I also miss Macky Escalona, Larry Fonacier and of course... Papa Chris Tiu! =) Nothing will replace you, #17.
I also admire Jervy Cruz(my pseudo brother haha) because he is really a good basketball player even though I heard bad stuffs about youuu(HAHA) and I hate you for beating ADMU last last last year. =| Hands down to youu pa rin. LOL. Also, Marvin Cruz(another pseudo brother) from UP. Kras ko toh dati e! LOL. And dinadala niya yung UP dati. Marcy Arellano and James Martinez too.. Pinapaganda nila ang laban. LOL. Ooh, Jvee Casio.. I will also miss you together with Ty Tang. I miss seeing Ty and Chris hug after their games. It's so sweet. Bakla much? Kidding! hahaha.
.. and the list goes on. I just hope this season will be great and better than last season. Well, last season was great just because ADMU won but I am hoping for a better finals game. Hoping for a back to back championship for my school :) WOOT WOOT.
I also admire Jervy Cruz(my pseudo brother haha) because he is really a good basketball player even though I heard bad stuffs about youuu(HAHA) and I hate you for beating ADMU last last last year. =| Hands down to youu pa rin. LOL. Also, Marvin Cruz(another pseudo brother) from UP. Kras ko toh dati e! LOL. And dinadala niya yung UP dati. Marcy Arellano and James Martinez too.. Pinapaganda nila ang laban. LOL. Ooh, Jvee Casio.. I will also miss you together with Ty Tang. I miss seeing Ty and Chris hug after their games. It's so sweet. Bakla much? Kidding! hahaha.
.. and the list goes on. I just hope this season will be great and better than last season. Well, last season was great just because ADMU won but I am hoping for a better finals game. Hoping for a back to back championship for my school :) WOOT WOOT.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
best week, so far.
So I am having one of the best weeks in my 1st sem :) Since I am really dying to blog again.. I'm just gonna rant about my oh-so-great week LOL.
So the rest of my week went out great just because i keep on seeing RO. Like last Monday, i saw him 5 times and I just realized that we really have a lot of common friends.. Bakit kami hindi friends? LOL =)) Aynako, ENOUGH! Hahahaha :))
Anyways, it's a less stressing week for me too. The quiz in Psych(which I studied so hard for) was a group quiz. =| and I don't really care about SA. Oh noez, I think I'm gonna fail that subject because of all my lates... Deym, i hate morning schedules. I am not really a morning person so during SA and Psych Lab, my mind's not working.. HAHA. So, goodluck to me! =)
I also went to UP last Wednesday to see my high school friends(which I LOVE SO MUCH). It was another tiring day because of all the walking and laughing we did. They never fail to make me laugh. (muchium at cheter LOL)
I hope tomorrow will be great too :) And I am so excited for Saturday's party at Nina's. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIANINA! :) Can't wait to see you guys.
I also wanna watch the MJ Tribute concert. Where can I watch it online? I'm searching a while ago and all i saw are clips from it. I bet I'll cry when I watch it because I cried hard seeing Paris(MJ's eldest daughter) say MJ is the greatest dad. :c
It was so much fun. Hanged out with Marlo at Galle before going to Teef's crib but I was super broke because I went to school at 8am.. but my class was moved to 1pm pala. =| But it was a good thing coz i saw RO :)) :)) :)) Anyways, food was great.. Great company. Stayed at Marlo till 12:30 then rode a taxi. I don't like riding a taxi during that time of the night. It's scary.. Good thing the cab driver was nice but he's super talkative... LOL.
So the rest of my week went out great just because i keep on seeing RO. Like last Monday, i saw him 5 times and I just realized that we really have a lot of common friends.. Bakit kami hindi friends? LOL =)) Aynako, ENOUGH! Hahahaha :))
Anyways, it's a less stressing week for me too. The quiz in Psych(which I studied so hard for) was a group quiz. =| and I don't really care about SA. Oh noez, I think I'm gonna fail that subject because of all my lates... Deym, i hate morning schedules. I am not really a morning person so during SA and Psych Lab, my mind's not working.. HAHA. So, goodluck to me! =)
I also went to UP last Wednesday to see my high school friends(which I LOVE SO MUCH). It was another tiring day because of all the walking and laughing we did. They never fail to make me laugh. (muchium at cheter LOL)
I hope tomorrow will be great too :) And I am so excited for Saturday's party at Nina's. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIANINA! :) Can't wait to see you guys.
I also wanna watch the MJ Tribute concert. Where can I watch it online? I'm searching a while ago and all i saw are clips from it. I bet I'll cry when I watch it because I cried hard seeing Paris(MJ's eldest daughter) say MJ is the greatest dad. :c
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