The cutting of trees, the use of fossil fuels and other things that emits more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does not help at all. Before, carbon dioxide is needed to warm the earth and help the animals but now, too much CO2 are there that extreme heat in different parts of the world are being experienced. Before sembreak, some of my blockmates and I are talking about global warming and stuff because of the extreme heat that day. We talked about mutation and stuff.. like what we would be like after a zillion years, would we mutate and have solar panels in our heads? It's really funny yet it can be true. A friend shared that the last time she went to Canada, she can wear her spaghetti strap top. Hello, THAT'S CANADA. That's like on top of the world, near the North pole and stuff.

The glaciers in the Greenland and Antartica are melting already. In Greenland itself, if the huge ice caps keeps on melting, it can make the sea level rise up to 23 feet or something (not so sure). And I heard in Nat Geo that some parts of Florida, North Carolina and New York can be underwater if the melting continues. It's just sad because I still want to travel the world and see beautiful places. It's not really beautiful underwater, right? LOL.
I still want my children to see the beauty of the world. I want them to experience normal hot days and cold nights. I want them to have a great future.
wow :o nagulat ako sa picture :|
Sad but true.
anyway, I know some people living in Canada, depending on the season and the location, one can really wear spaghetti strap top there. Also, if it's like her 1st time or once every # of year/s visit, most likely she will not notice how cold it is really there unlike the way the residents of the province is feeling.
^ Yeh, but my friend told me that before she can't wear that pero now, she can manage. Oh well, it's just depressing that this is happening. :|
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