Last Saturday(080109), we, Filipinos, lost a leader, an icon and a mother. Our beloved President Corazon Aquino died at around 3am on a very rainy Saturday morning. I felt sad when I heard the news even though I was not yet alive during her administration (I'm alive na pala, I was 1 year old haha). We studied all the presidents in the Philippines when I was in elementary and high school and which I forgot already hahaha :)) Anyways, I never really know her but I guess I know some facts about her and all that she did but I think I know more things about his husband, Ninoy Aquino.

It's so nice to think that Cory and Ninoy are now together again in Heaven.

"it makes me smile thinking cory and ninoy have been laughing, embracing, talking non-stop since Saturday! " --from Toni's plurk
During my 1 year in USTe, we had a project in History and we were asked to create a video presentation about anything or anyone related to the Philippines and we chose Ninoy Aquino. After that project, I, together with my partner (Hi Barbie) started to love the Aquinos(and yes, all.. even Kris haha) I think Ninoy inspired me a lot and I still think he can be the greatest president we never had.

She even gave me a Ninoy shirt as a gift on my debut ;)
Maybe that is why I cried a little and felt sad when she died, I can see Ninoy in her. Also, the heavens cried with us as we mourn for the Mother of Democracy in the Philippines. She freed us from what Marcos left us, a very unstable and undemocratic country. She was the face of democracy and also during her administration, the 1986 constitution was made, which we are still using up to now.
She was a very strong woman because she was the 1st woman to be president of the Philippines. She also do not have any background on politics but still she run just to save us, Filipinos. That's why I would really like to thank you, Cory A. You brought change to this country and it is for the better.

With all her achievement of creating a very peaceful People Power Revolution, she was awarded Woman of the Year by Time magazine.
I think Marcos really did a great job in our country except the Martial Law. He did a lot of things for the country and he has a vision. But I think what made Cory Aquino unique from all the other presidents we had was her faithfulness to God. She had a different approach because she was a very moral leader. Maybe because she never planned to run for president but was only forced because of Ninoy and the people. She based her leadership on what is right together with a lot of prayers. That is why the people love her and that is why she is someone I look up to.
You're legacy will always live in our hearts. Thank you for everything.
You will always be remembered as one of the greatest president and person this country ever had. May you rest in peace, Cory Aquino. ;)
we have the same post!!
This is just sad...She was the president during the 86 right?
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